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The Tigers Room

Munchkinland Child Care provides a safe haven where children can socialize with their friends after school, in a comforting, relaxing environment. Children are encouraged to complete their homework with our staff without the pressures of school. Our program is an "extension" of home.

Activities, snacks and field trips are planned by the students with the help of the teacher. Activities for the children also include the use of puzzles, games, manipulatives, books, art materials, and blocks of various kinds. Activities offered at least weekly include computer training, creative arts and crafts, dramatic play, movement and dance, music, and storytelling. Outdoor play, sports, and games with rules are also favorites with the school-age children.


Educational Objectives
The school-aged children program will offer an extensive variety of activities that are both challenging and relaxing. Activities include arts and crafts, science and nature, indoor and outdoor games and songs. Opportunities will be provided for the children to complete their homework under the guidance of the teachers. Children will be given time to reinforce previously learned academic skills and to obtain new skills.

Social Objectives
Rules offer stability in a world that is full of changes. Rules will provide guidance, fairness and help the children to show awareness and respect for the needs of others. Children will be encouraged to make their own decisions, use and acquire new reasoning skills, help and play, together and to explore and utilize their environment.

Cultural Objectives
Children and teachers are offered a multi-cultural learning experience where each person is valued and respected. Opportunities are provided to explore their surroundings, learn and meet people of different cultures, share charts, books and toys that depict various cultures, countries, abilities of different children, families and friends.

Emotional Objectives
Teachers help the children by praising them, using kind words with them and by raising the child’s self-esteem. Children are taught to use words to express their feelings. The children are encouraged to be confident in their own abilities and to be independent. Close friendships are made.

Physical/Recreational Activities
Gross motor development includes indoor and outdoor activities and games such as jumping rope, climbing, throwing, catching, tag, running, relays and dancing. The children will also play group games and language games exhibiting their increasing levels of participation. To enhance these activities teachers will focus on cooperative play. Fine motor development activities include hammering, building, blocks, sewing, writing, coloring, lacing, painting, pasting and pegs
**All children who attend schools in the Farmingdale District will be able to be picked up and dropped off at Munchkinland Child Care by the Farmingdale School buses.

Before and After School Sample Schedule


Table – Top Activities (Arts and Crafts)


Breakfast / Bathroom / Getting ready for school


Children will be attending school.


Afternoon Snack and Quiet Time


Indoor / Outdoor Play (Gross Motor Activities)


Teacher Directed Activity / Individual Dismissals

School Holidays and Summer Program (children will be attending full day)


Table – Top Activities (Arts and Crafts)


Breakfast / Bathroom




Water and Outdoor Play (Gross Motor Activities)


Lunch and Quiet Time


Science / Nature / Discovery Activity


Afternoon Snack / Bathroom


Activity of their Choice (Free Play)


Indoor / Outdoor Play (Gross Motor Activities)


Teacher Directed Activity/ Individual Dismissals

*** Schedule subject to change according to children's needs.

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