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The Bumble Bee Room

Our Bumble Bee room (18-36 months) is where you will find our busy, busy toddlers! With children striving for independence at this age, we like to provide our toddlers with many opportunities to assert their individuality, and to try new things on their own -such as potty training. Sensory experiences continue to play a significant role in our toddler program, so the fun is evident in the messes that they make.

In this program, you will see your child...

laughing, learning, using age-appropriate manipulatives, running, jumping, rolling, using art materials, listening to stories, singing songs, using instruments, playing games and learning socially acceptable behaviors such as sharing, listening, following simple directions, cleaning up, sitting at a table for lunch, investigating their world and exploring their own creativity.

In this program you will see teachers..
Prepared for the day’s activities, smiling, hugging interacting with children, singing with them, reading to them, introducing colors, shapes, and helping them to recognize familiar objects and animals, using puppets, using instruments, encouraging the use of manipulatives, introducing simple rules, encouraging, praising, accepting and reassuring.

The primary goal of the toddler program is to create a safe and stimulating environment that will encourage learning and exploration.

Other goals of the Munchkinland Child Care Toddler Program are:

• To provide an atmosphere that will ensure self-esteem and autonomy in each child.
• To provide an atmosphere of acceptance, praise, and love.
• To provide age-appropriate activities that stimulate social and cognitive interaction.
• To provide materials that will encourage creativity and learn
• To provide opportunities for physical, mental and social development in a nurturing, caring environment.

Social and Emotional Development (Developing Self-Awareness and Communicating Needs)
Your child learns to follow simple directions. Positive self-discipline techniques will be introduced. Your child learns to participate in simple routines. Your child will start to respond to praise.

Language and Communication Development 
(Using Speech and Increasing Vocabulary)
Your child will be encouraged to communicate simple experiences. Teachers will talk with and read to your child. Your child will learn songs, poems and the use of books. Your child will be encouraged to use role play, puppets, and "pretend" games.

Cognitive Development (Acquiring and Using Information)
Your child will learn body parts and their names. The teacher will introduce your child’s community and the people in that community. Your child will be introduced to primary colors and shapes. He or she will begin to recognize objects, persons, and animals in pictures. The teacher will encourage the use of manipulatives to reinforce cognitive development. He/she will experience simple math concepts through sorting, matching, and patterning and will learn about seasons, weather, holidays and many other themes.

Gross Motor Development (Using Arms, Legs and Torso Control-Large Muscles)
Your child will engage in many motor movement activities such as jumping, crawling, rolling, touching, running, walking, waving, and climbing. Teachers will introduce riding toys, balance beam and large building blocks. He/she will be encouraged to use large balls for throwing, rolling, and "basket" games. Teachers will introduce circle games and positions such as up, down, in, out, etc.

Fine Motor Development (Hands, Fingers and Eye-Hand Control-Small Muscles)
Your child will start to use small drinking cups and spoons. Teachers will introduce large beads for stringing Your child will be encouraged to use crayons, paint brushes, and finger paints. He/she will explore the use of 3–4-piece puzzles, place large pegs into pegboards and fit shape pieces into corresponding shape spaces.

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